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Hempstead, TX Criminal Defense Lawyer

Hempstead, TX Criminal Defense Lawyer

best criminal defense lawyer in hempstead

Hempstead, TX Criminal Defense Attorney

If you have been accused of a crime, you need a Hempstead, TX, criminal defense lawyer to fight for your rights and future. At The Law Office of Joseph Ruiz, PLLC, we understand how serious criminal accusations can be and are committed to providing aggressive and compassionate legal representation.

How Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Help You?

A criminal defense attorney will become one of your most valuable assets if you have been charged with a criminal offense. Our team provides legal guidance to help you understand your charges, potential consequences, and what options are available for you. We will analyze your case, identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s evidence, and craft a customized defense strategy.

As your advocate, we will aggressively negotiate with prosecutors and represent you in court, protect your rights, and achieve the most favorable outcome possible.

Types of Cases That Criminal Defense Attorneys Handle in Hempstead, TX

When you are choosing a criminal defense attorney, experience is important. At the Law Office of Joseph Ruiz, PLLC, our team tailors our approach and defense strategies to meet each client’s unique needs. We provide comprehensive criminal defense representation for a range of cases, including:


Theft is taking another person’s property without consent, including shoplifting, theft of services, theft of a firearm, burglary, and robbery. The severity of the charge will depend on the value of the stolen property and if anyone was harmed. The penalties can range from fines to imprisonment.

Drug Crimes

Drug crimes include possession, distribution, manufacturing, and trafficking of illegal drugs. Texas follows the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) scheduling system to determine penalties for drug-related crimes. This means Schedule I substances are the most serious, and Schedule V substances have the lightest penalties, such as fines, jail time, mandatory substance abuse treatment, and drug and alcohol safety courses.

Sex Crimes

Sex crimes in Texas include sexual assault, such as rape and abuse, prostitution, human trafficking, or indecency with a child. These charges can be misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the circumstances, and can result in lengthy prison sentences and lifelong sex offender registration.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is violence, sexual abuse, neglect, stalking, and other harmful behaviors that occur between family members, current or former household members, or extended family. Convictions for domestic violence can carry severe penalties, including fines, prison time, loss of parental rights, termination of professional licenses, and restraining orders.

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)

DWI is driving with a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or higher or while using any illicit substance. Alcohol and drugs can impair judgment, reduce reaction time, and put the driver and other people around them in danger.

Usually, first-time DWI offenses in Texas are misdemeanors and include fines, license suspension, and jail time. If there are additional convictions, penalties will become much more harsh.

Potential Defense Strategies

Criminal defense strategies aim to cast doubt on the reliability of the prosecution’s evidence. Some common ones include:

  • Providing an alibi by proving the defendant was somewhere else at the time of the crime.
  • Proving innocence based on specific eyewitness testimony and physical or other evidence. This strategy works well if the prosecution has insufficient evidence.
  • An insanity defense.
  • Citing self-defense because the defendant believed they or another person around them was in imminent danger and they felt their actions were necessary.
  • Mistake of fact, meaning the accused did not believe they were committing a crime.
  • Duress or entrapment, claiming the defendant was coerced or threatened to either commit the or confess to the crime.
  • The act between the victim and defendant was consensual.
  • Proving the defendant’s rights were violated either during arrest or during prosecution.

Impact of a Criminal Conviction

The aftermath of a criminal conviction can impact your life in many areas. It doesn’t matter if it is a misdemeanor or a felony offense. A permanent record can impact your future employment prospects, make it more difficult to obtain a mortgage, auto loan, or student loan, and you could get rejected from certain rentals if a landlord conducts a background check and considers you a risky tenant.

Many criminal convictions will limit your ability to travel, as they can refuse to allow you into their country, you may lose custody of your children, or be denied citizenship to the United States. Additionally, in Texas, you can lose the right to vote, serve on juries, hold public office, or own firearms if convicted of specific offenses.

The impacts of a criminal conviction do not end when you are released from prison but can impact your future for years to come, which is why it is essential to have a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in Hempstead by your side, fighting for your rights and your future.

FAQs About Hempstead, TX Criminal Defense Laws

Which Are Strategies That a Defense Attorney Might Consider?

Defense attorneys employ many different defense strategies, including attacking evidence, questioning witnesses, identifying inconsistencies in the prosecution’s evidence, or presenting defenses like alibi, self-defense, or insanity. Some lawyers may even recommend a plea deal to their clients. The most effective strategy for each case will depend on specific circumstances, and an attorney will work with their client to develop an approach that could provide the most favorable outcome.

Should You Tell Your Lawyer Everything?

Yes, you should always tell your lawyer the truth and everything that you know. We understand you might be afraid of judgment or embarrassment, but remember that your lawyer is there to support and represent you as well as they can. Also, attorney-client privilege ensures confidentiality, and being open with your lawyer and providing complete information allows your lawyer to build a stronger defense.

How Long Will My Case Take to Resolve?

There is no exact answer for how long your case will take to resolve. There are a lot of factors that influence the timeline, including the type and severity of the charges, case complexity, court schedule, the discovery process, trial duration, and post-trial proceedings. Misdemeanors can be resolved within a few months, but felony cases might go on for a year or longer.

What Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Do?

A criminal defense attorney protects the rights of people accused of crimes. Their primary responsibility is to ensure a fair legal process while protecting the rights of their client. The attorney will examine the evidence, present defense strategies, and challenge the prosecution to get the most positive outcome for their clients.

Speak With Our Criminal Defense Attorney About Your Situation

Don’t let criminal charges define your future. Contact The Law Office of Joseph Ruiz, PLLC, today so our team of skilled criminal defense lawyers can get to work on providing you with an aggressive and compassionate representation.

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