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Driving while intoxicated (DWI), also called driving under the influence (DUI), is one of the most commonly prosecuted crimes throughout the United States. Despite every state enforcing strong laws aimed at discouraging DWI, drivers continue to endanger themselves and others by driving while impaired by…
Though driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a fairly common offense, the punishments can be significant. A single mistake can alter a person’s entire future, especially if they are underage or are just entering the workforce. Regardless of your circumstances, it is important to understand what…
When you work hard to build up a reputation, a career, and a life for yourself, it can be really life-altering when a mistake threatens to shake the foundations of everything that you have created. Thankfully, there is the option of getting certain charges wiped…
Most states have laws pertaining to expungement or expunction, and this can be an invaluable legal mechanism if you have a criminal record that is interfering with your life in any way. For example, if you were convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI), the record…
Every state upholds different laws pertaining to driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI). Texas DWI laws are quite strict compared to other states, and even a first conviction can carry severe consequences for the defendant. If you are arrested and charged…
In this post, we’ll discuss an interesting area of 4th Amendment law and how we were able to secure a dismissal for an undocumented client charged with DWI and facing the specter of a .168 blood test result, not to mention a video of him…
Prior to the enactment of the new DWI non-disclosure law, a DWI conviction in Texas guaranteed the lifelong stigma of a permanent criminal record, regardless of whether the citizen had never been in trouble with the law before. Such drastic consequences are proof of the…